Announcing: 📢 The 2025 Departure Breaks Fantasy Baseball League!
Any level of experience is invited, as long as you're involved and committed to a full fantasy baseball season (even if your team stinks by mid-year!)
Our league will be weekly line-ups, head-to-head scoring, and you'll face two teams each week. Total teams & leagues will be decided after sign-ups, up to a max of two 16-team leagues, or 32 total teams. Last year we had two 14-team leagues, with each league's champion facing off for the ultimate championship at the end. Something similiar will be the set up this year.
The league will once again be hosted on CBS Fantasy. They have a solid website, as well as Apple and Android apps.
A $10 fee per team is required to subsudise the cost of the league, charged by CBS. I've found over many years of playing, on many platforms, that CBS is worth the money ($149.99 per returning league, we needed two last year) for what they offer in complete league customization and control.
The remaining $30 per team will be used towards in-season and championship prizes, to-be detailed once sign ups have ended and we have a total team count.
No profit is taken -- all cash goes towards site fees and prizes.
All team managers will be required to download the Discord app (it's free) and join the Departure Breaks Discord as our main hub for all communication regarding the fantasy league. If you're unsure how to use Discord, or need an invite, please message me! This will be our main form of communication throughout the season.
All managers applying must have participated in at least ten breaks with us over the past 365 days. We'll be chatting about the league a lot during our break streams throughout the 2024 season, so I'd like to keep it in-group as much as possible.
There will be prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place and weekly highest score!
Draft night will be Sunday, 3/23 at 12:00 pm EST. If you will be unable to attend but still want to play, please set-up your pre-draft queue accordingly for autodrafting, or invite a friend to manage your team during the draft!
I will message and/or email all who purchase a spot with a link to join the league, once total teams have been determined. Otherwise, stay tuned to the Fantasy Baseball Discord channel for the latest news and updates!
The deadline to sign up is Monday night (3/18) after our break that night!
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